Saturday 5 November 2011

About Myself

Hello! My name is Xing Liang. I am 16 years old and I love science and nature.

I love nature and the environment and am very concerned about the current state of the environment due to mankind’s exploitation in his quest to change it.

My favorite movie is three idiots, which is a comedy about learning, education, and ultimately, a person’s attitude that will get him to be who he is, to be successful.

I couldn't find a video with english subtitles. Sorry.

I strongly believe in having fun in whatever I do. The drive behind almost everything I love or do is because of joy. Simply because it is fun.  

I traveled quite a bit especially to china and the many different parts of china has vastly different cultures and what amazed me about china is the way they do business. The gifts that are essential in business, the importance of personal relationships in business sometimes even overpower the interests of the company in the business deals.

Also, to a camp I went to last year, I was amazed at some things that nature creates that could never be done by man and it s also precisely what man is destroying.

Also, I urge you to take a look at this thought provoking video about the environment:

Knowing that you will have fun in doing something, it leads to passion, your 100% focus on it and success, most of the time.

Being a student, it is fun for me to discover the world, to absorb knowledge and immerse myself in the joy of learning.

Being a research student, I spent hundreds of hours in the laboratory doing lab work, although dry at certain times, it was a fun and unforgettable experience. I enjoyed every minute of it. In my latest project, my team and I are trying to find an alternative to insecticides to common pests by using plant hormones, a cheaper, more effective and environmental and human friendly alternative. This project is a project collaboration with another school on the other side of the globe, Academy of Science (AOS) Virginia, USA.

In this project, we formulated the project last October when we visited them in USA, planned our projects on parallel paths, and went on to carry out the project in the course of 1 year, we maintained contact via wikispace to discuss about the project. This August, the AOS students came over to Singapore to present the project together.  This experience was a very fun one and strong friendships were forged in this collaboration. Ultimately, I had tons of fun participating in this collaborative project. is the wikispace which we maintained contact and discussions.

I have also been part of some other projects including Amazing X science challenge where we need to formulate and construct a prototype to explain certain science principles. It was fun and interesting to be able to have hands on in building a structure. However, the most memorable project is still the collaboration project as mentioned above because I could work with people with different backgrounds and make friends, experience different cultures, and also had a chance to attend a small science conference/lecture at Janelia farm which was an eye opener.

My team and I :D

I have many interests, such as Biology, Chemistry, economics, geopolitics, food, travelling etc. and what interests me the most is the beauty of nature and also how the world functions.

Yup! That’s me, just another curious teenager hungry for knowledge.

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